- President
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Coordination of a team of volunteers during the events
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Gain a thorough understanding of the centre’s Constitution and the duties of the Office Bearers
- Be well informed of the Centre’s activities and able to provide oversight
- Run Committee Meetings
- Manage the Centre Facebook
- Support the Website Officer to update the centre website as required
- Provide email to SME Design to allow website access
- Signatory on the centre bank account
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of season and competition program).
- Vice President
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Gain a thorough understanding of the centre’s Constitution and the duties of the Office Bearers
- Be well informed of the Centre’s activities and able to provide oversight
- Run Committee Meetings when President is not in attendance
- Step in to the President role as required
- Manage the Centre Facebook
- Regional Relays and Regional Track and Field coordinator (Team Manager to be set per event)
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of season and competition program).
- Secretary
Out-going secretary
- Have completed and signed the Financial Compliance and Wellbeing declaration as part of the requirements of the AGM
- To email LAVic from the centre email address the new secretary’s name, contact number and personal email. LAVic will email the new secretary directly to advise them on the updated password for the centre email.
- Update new centre secretary details via MYCAV within 14 days of the AGM
- Provide handover to new secretary
- Replace secretary’s mobile number in the google drive account
In-coming secretary
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Gain a thorough understanding of the centre’s Constitution and the duties of the Office Bearers
- Be well informed of the Centre’s activities and able to provide oversight
- Order equipment as required
- Manage the Centre Facebook
- Signatory on the centre bank account
- Keep a list of all Committee members Working With Children’s Checks in the Club Google Drive
- Verify access to centre mailbox once access details have been sent by LAVic
- Create a MYCAV profile using your personal email address in order to verify your identity and gain access to your centre Consumer Affairs Account
- To submit an annual report within one month of the AGM by logging into MYCAV
- If these has been a change to your constitution/model rules you will be required to lodge these with ConsumerAffairs within 28 days
- Update centre contact details across the centre website, facebook etc
- Check and confirm the current profiles in SportsTG and ResultsHQ to ensure no outgoing committee members still have access
- Check to make sure all contact details are correct on the centre website, social media channels and LAVic contacts
- Make contact with the Gippsland Region President to introduce yourself
- Committee meetings. Email agenda out to all committee members prior to meetings. Take minutes and distribute. Add all minutes to the club Google Drive
- Monitor emails and forward as required
- Attend to affiliation
- Duty Roster
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of season and competition program).
- Treasurer
Out-going Treasurer
- Be present at the AGM
- Provide a detailed handover to the incoming treasurer
- Arrange form/s from Bendigo Bank to add and remove new signatories (President, Secretary and Treasurer only)
- Arrange forms from Bendigo Bank to add and remove new debit card holders for the canteen. Old cards to be returned to the Bendigo Bank
- Add new Treasurer and President to Zeller and remove outgoing Treasurer and President
In-coming Treasurer
- Be present at the AGM
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Gain a thorough understanding of the centre’s Constitution and the duties of the Office Bearers
- Admin for Zeller
- Signatory on the centre bank account
- Organise annual accounts for the Independent Audit yearly. The club financial year runs from January 1st to December the 31st
- Contact Gippsland Accounting and Financial Services in early January.
- Prepare financial reports to present at Committee Meetings and the AGM
- Ensure that all financial transactions are recorded in the club accounts. Upload all financial documents to the club Google Drive
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of season and competition program).
- Registra
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Be familiar with the Gameday online systems before the commencement of the season
- Manage all aspects regarding Trial and New registrations
- Forward a Welcome Letter via email to all trial and new families
- View the Birth Certificate of all new athletes prior to making them active in the system
- Communicate with the President to make sure the ResultsHQ system
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of season and competition program).
- Website Officer
- Current Working with Children’s Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing Secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Provide email address to SME Design to allow website access
- Update website each season, including season dates, new committee members, new centre records and new championship day records, any alterations to the program, photos etc
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of season and competition program).
- Communications and Social Media Coordinator
- Current Working with Children’s Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing Secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Maintain the centres Social Media presence via Facebook and Instagram
- Ensure all information is up to date and updated as required
- Ability to meet deadlines and provide timely information
- A strong understanding of social media
- The ability to plan what the club needs to communicate and when
- Ability to engage people through online communication without getting drawn into negative and personal discussions
- Where you are required to promote yourself or your children, treat them as you would any other member (i.e. don’t downplay or boast about their achievements), or if in doubt, request your assistant to do it
- Attendance at weekly meets, or appointment of a stand – in when unable to attend (the stand-in would also need to be made aware of, understand and follow this policy)
- Understanding how to create graphics, photos and video for online communication
- Thorough knowledge of what is going on within the club and Little Aths Vic
- Exceptional communication skills
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of the season and competition program)
- Chief Starter/s
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Familiarize self with the use of the starter gun
- Familiarize self with correct starting techniques, eg communication with athletes and the events table
- Have completed club training prior to commencement
- Perform starts on the straight and circular
- Teach and encourage athletes to perform good starting techniques to avoid DQ (disqualification) at Region/State events
- Provide training and support to parents on Starter duty
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of the season and competition program)
- Track Recording officer x2
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Event day set-up – timing gates and laptop, Troubleshooting, Shutdown / pack-up
- Capture all track results in RaceHQ
- Computer literate and able to understand the Timing Solutions software and hardware requirements
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of season and competition program)
- Field Recording Officer
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Enter all field event weekly results into ResulsHQ
- Communicate any issues or discrepancies with the President
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of season and competition program).
- Results and Awards Officer
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Pre season set-up. Roll over of ResultsHQ to the new season, archive previous season
- Set up new season in ResultsHQ
- Pre season set up of RaceHQ to new season
- Post-event processing and uploading of track results to ResultsHQ
- Ensure data storage is backed up or protected.
- Set weekly meets in ResultsHQ
- Print weekly field event sheets
- Set Up Multi Event Day and Championship Day
- Approve centre records and inform the committee.
- Liaise with LA Vic office to ensure LA Vic events results are migrated across into WLAC Results HQ platform (State / Regional Combined / Track and Field Championships). These do not contribute to end of season awards
- Allocate points and personal bests for performance in accordance with WLAC award schemes and update records for the award
- Order medallions and trophies as required
- Pass on names of athletes to the trophy shop
- Uniform officer
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Monitor uniform stock and order in advance. Inform Committee prior to ordering
- Forward all invoices through to the Treasurer
- Have uniform on offer for sale each meet morning from 8am-9am
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of season and competition program).
- Canteen manager/s – 2 to 3 parents
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Provide 100 point check to the Bendigo Bank to receive the club debit card. Only used to purchase items required for the canteen. All invoices to be sent through to the Treasurer via the WhatsApp group
- Monitor stock and purchase as required
- Charge IPADS prior to event days
- Set up IPADS and Zeller (EFT) on meet days
- Child Safe Officer
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of season and competition program).
- Equipment officer/purchasing/Grounds Keeper
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Groundskeeper. Mark out the track prior to the commencement of the new season. Repeat over the summer break
- Monitor equipment and inform Secretary of the required items
- Forward invoices to the Treasurer
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of season and competition program)
- On Track Coordinator
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of season and competition program).
- General committee
- Current Working With Childrens Check
- Signed Child Safe Code of Conduct
- Provide contact number and email to outgoing secretary
- Be a good role model
- Always act in the best interests of the centre
- Be able to work collaboratively with others
- Attend Committee Meetings and help out at weekly meets
- The estimated additional time commitment to the above is 1 to 3 hours per week (depending on the stage of season and competition program)